Hongda Jiang | 蒋鸿达

I’m now a PhD student of Computer Graphics in Visual Computing and Learning Lab in Peking University advised by Prof. Chen Baoquan. My research interests focus on camera control, cinematography and deep learning.

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Cinematographic camera diffusion model
Hongda Jiang, Xi Wang, Marc Christie, Libin Liu, Baoquan Chen
Eurographics 2024
paper(arxiv) | paper(doi) | code

We propose a cinematographic camera diffusion model using a transformer-based architecture to handle temporality and exploit the stochasticity of diffusion models to generate diverse and qualitative trajectories conditioned by high-level textual descriptions.

Camera Keyframing with Style and Control
Hongda Jiang, Marc Christie, Xi Wang, Libin Liu, Bin Wang, Baoquan Chen
project page | paper(doi) | code | video

We present a novel technique that enables 3D artists to synthesize camera motions in virtual environments following a camera style, while enforcing user-designed camera keyframes as constraints along the sequence.

Example-driven Virtual Cinematography by Learning Camera Behaviors
Hongda Jiang*, Bin Wang*, Xi Wang, Marc Christie, Baoquan Chen
project page | paper | code | video

We propose an example-driven camera controller which can extract camera behaviors from an example film clip and re-apply the extracted behaviors to a 3D animation, through learning from a collection of camera motions.

Rethinking Fusion Baselines for Multi-modal Human Action Recognition
Hongda Jiang, Yanghao Li, Sijie Song, Jiaying Liu
PCM 2018

Multi-modal data can provide more useful information for Human Action Recognition. But with the different formats, different modal data can only be used separately, which results a inefficient fusion. In this paper, we give comprehensive analysis of fusion schemes through experimental results and hope our work could benefit the community in multi-modal action recognition.

  • I’m a great sports fan, loving basketball/table tennis.